Top-5 Shocking And Interesting Fact About Space And Solar System
Space exploration is one of the most mind blowing and Interesting thing to do. As technology gets more and more advanced, We get to learn more interesting fact about space than before.
Space is such a bizarre and unique place with mysterious moon,remote galaxies and strange phenomenon that avoid explanation. Don't miss a chance to get bit of that explanation with these Top-5 interesting fact about space.
Have you heard about which is the highest mountain in our solar system? or you heard about how our mars fromed? Or you have heard about the great attractor ? Well,let's figure out it is true or not by talking about most interesting fact about space and solar system.
I have put together a list of Top-5 Interesting Fact About space and solar system from the history of space exploration.
## FACT NO-5 ##
Mars is the nearest planet to our earth. Mars was formed as small objects in the solar system began to come together for over 100,000 years. As mars grew the force of gravity pulled more objects.
The heat caused by the birth of Mars created the different layers of the planet ,gases which were released ,as planet cooled which helped to create the atmosphere on mars. The inner part of Mars was very hot and that caused volcanoes to developed and erupt.
Here is the video of Mars formation.
## FACT NO-4 ##
What is an great attractor ?
There is something that is gravitationally deviating the milky way's path pulling our galaxy towards it. Actually that's rather a place. For billions of years something is known as the GREAT ATTRACTOR has been pulling us about 100,000 of our neighboring galaxies closer to it
It is situated at the distance of somewhere between 150 to 250 million light year away from our milky way in the direction of the Constellation Triangulum Australe and Norma. It also known as end of universe.
## FACT NO-3 ##
What will happen if we drop a stone from a space station ?
Most of the people answer it would come with high velocity towards ground or that stone will travel in space ,but it is not true.
If we build a platform 190 to 250 miles height is the altitude of ISS ( INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION ) above earth and through a stone from there then a stone fall down just same as it fall down from your balcony.
Here is the video
## FACT NO-2 ##
Which is the highest mountain in our solar system ?
Mount Everest is highest mountain on our earth ,but it is not highest mountain in our solar system. The highest mountain in our solar system is a OLMPUS MONS on mars it is 3 times of mount Everest the high mountain above sea level.
If you are standing on Olympus Mons you would not understand that you are standing on mountain, because it's slope will be hidden by the planet curve .The height of Olympus Mons is about 21 km.
## FACT NO- 1 ##
Have you heard about a two colour moon?
The one of the Saturn's moons has a unique colour named lAPETUS. The distance between earth and laptus is about 1.272 billion km. It is the 3 largest moon in our solar system.
It was discovered in 1671. It is a cold moon .The temperature of lAPETUS is about -143 °c to -183 °c. These moon is two- tone moon as the one side of the moon is white and other side of moon is dark.
Here is the video of lAPETUS
~ Mike Gritti