Top-7 Heart Breaking Interesting Fact About Space And Solar System.
Today we are going to focus on education and learn some interesting fact about space that you probably didn't know about !
As has been famously said, space is a final frontier. The greatest of unknowns space is far vaster than we comprehened.The space exploration and discovery only began in earnest in the mind 20 century, Here are some interesting fact about space and solar system.
Have you ever heard about planet which can float on water ? or You have heard about which is the the universe most distance object ? or How our moon is formed ? Well ,let's figure out it is true by talking about most interesting fact about space and solar system.
I have put together a list of TOP-7 interesting fact about space and solar system from the history of space exploration.
## FACT NO-7 ##
Which is the universe's most distant objects?
The QUASARS is the universe most distant object , are billions of light year away, which are matter Breaking apart as it spirals into a black hole.
As QUASARS are very faraway ,We see them after very long time ago. And it is distance roughly from earth is 12 billion light year. The nearest one is billions of light year away. QUASARS are one of the most famous ancient , powerful , and energetic objects.
It is emitting up to 1000 times out put energy than our milky way , which contains 200-400 billion stars.
## FACT NO-6 ##
Have you ever heard about space food ?
In 2015 , the nasa astronauts ate food that had been grown in the space for the first time in space history. As part of NASA experiment they crop a Red Romaine Lettuce in space station. That has been growing in a specially designed chamber.
The astronauts only got to eat half of the Red Romaine Lettuce. The other half of Red Lettuce was send back to earth for scientific study . If these experiment is successful it could be a relatively easy way to adding some freshness and variety to space diet.
Here is the image of RED LETTUCE
## FACT NO -5 ##
What is the difference between Meteoroids and Asteroids ?
The METEOROIDS rocky or metallic travelling through the space . Meteoroids are significantly smaller than asteroids. Meteoroids range in size from small grains to meter wide objects,when a Meteoroids hit the earth atmosphere it may travelling in a speed of 45,000 MPH.
The number of celestial bodies composed of rock and metal which orbits around the sun are called Asteroids. Asteroids are smaller than a planet , but they are larger than Meteoroids .The Asteroids range in size from meter to 1000 Km.
## FACT NO-4 ##
Saturn can float on water ?
After reading this you may suprise, But it is true . Saturn is the third brightest planet in the night sky and has yellowish colour. Saturn is a gas gaint made up of misty hydrogen and helium. Saturn is more massive than any other planet except Jupiter. The distance between earth and Saturn is 1.3484 billion km.
However , Saturn had the lowest density than the rest of planet in our solar system. Unexpected fact about Saturn is that it is the only one less dense than water. If there were a big glass enough to hold it then Saturn would float on water.
## FACT NO -3 ##
How our moon was formed ?
The moon is an astronomical body orbiting earth and it's only natural satellite for earth. It is fifith largest satellite in our solar system. The moon Fromed as a result at a gaint impact. A mars sized object hit the earth 4.6 billion years ago. Shortly after the birth of the our sun and solar system.
A cloud of vaporized rock was locked up into orbit around the earth. The clouds cooled into a ring of a small bodies ,which then gathered to form the moon.
Here is the video of formation moon.
## FACT NO-2 ##
Here is the interesting fact about Uranus.
The rings of Uranus were the first to be seen after Saturn. They were a significant discovery. Because it helped astronomers under that rings are a common feature of planet. The Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings. But they are much fainter than Saturn.
Uranus ring is made up of undeveloped moons , asteroid, meteoroids etc.uranus gravity is shiglty less than earth.The belt is also made up of small pieces of ice and rocks coated with another material such as dust.
## FACT NO-1 ##
How many stars are there in milky way?
Nobody knows how many stars are there in the milky way. Estimate range from 100 billion to 400 billion and milky way is just one of the 140 billion galaxies. Many of them are larger than our milky way.
The largest galaxy known to human is IC 1107 has over 100 trillion stars. Smaller galaxies like "The larger Magellanic Cloud", Have about 10 billion stars . The most stars a person can see from any point of earth are about 2'500.
According to the this fact we so small in the universe.
" It Awesome "
![Milky way and large magellanic cloud](
We must never confuse space colonization with me conquest of space. The world beyond ours is unimaginably vast ; it will be what it has always been.
When human kind begins to make its home in space, it is we who will change.
~Cameron M.Smith