Top-9 Breathtaking And Interesting Fact About Space And Solar System

Space ,the final frontier. There is still very little that we actually understand about the vast universe that we live in. However, what we do know is that space is very clearly trying it's best to kill us all.

       From deadly radiation to exploding super-stars, the bravest astronauts think twice before deciding to exit our earth atmosphere. Still human race is determined to go out and explore the space. Here are Top-9 Interesting Fact About space and solar system that will amaze you.

Have you ever heard about a planet which has blue- green sky? or you have heard about  Saturn ring is thinner than razor blade. or what happens if we travel with light speed ? Well, let's figure out it is true or not by talking about most interesting fact about space and solar system.

I have put together a list of Top-9 interesting fact about space and solar system from the history of space exploration.

## FACT NO-9 ##


Uranus moon has unique names?

Our earth has only one moon , but Uranus has a 27 moons known. The distance between the earth and Uranus is 2.9319 billion km. Interesting fact about these moon is that, The uranian moons are named character created by
William Shakespeare and Alexander Pape. For example Oberon,titania and Miranda etc.

        The most interesting of the Uranus moon is Miranda. Miranda has canyon , terrace (slope) and many strange looking surface areas. The distance between earth and Miranda is 2.723 billion km.

## FACT NO-8 ##


Sky in Uranus is blue-green ?

The sky we see from our earth is blue, It is due to a scattering effect of light. Uranus is a gas gaint. The atmosphere of Uranus is mostly made up of hydrogen but it is also contains large amount of a gas called methane.

      The methane absorbs red light and scatters blue light. So a blue green methane haze hides the interior of the planet from view.

## FACT NO-7 ##


Which is largest canyon in our solar system?

The canyon means deep narrow valley with steep sides and often with a stream flowing through it. The great canyon on earth is Arizona which is 1.828 km deep and 227 miles ( 445 km ) long.

      But, the great canyon in our solar system is present on mars. Mars has an enormous canyon named a MARINER valley which is an 2500 miles (4023.36 km ) long and 4 miles deep (6.437 ) deep. As long as contenant USA . This gigantic canyon is likely formed by the tectanic cracking of Mars crust. It is approximately 10 times longer and 4 times deeper canyon than our earth.

" It Awesome"

## FACT NO-6 ##


Which is largest asteroid in our solar system ?

      The number of celestial bodies composed of rock and metal which orbits around the sun are called Asteroid . Asteroid are smaller than a planet .The asteroid range in size from meter to 1000 km.

          The largest asteroid in our solar system VESTA. It is so big that sometimes it is also called a drawf planet. This was discovered by Heirich Wilhelm Alberta. It's diameter is 525 km. The distance between earth and Vesta is 516,515,657 km. Our earth 22.5 times greater than the asteroid Vesta.  The Vesta is 3 times of UK.

## FACT NO-5 ##


Who is thinner razor blade or Saturn ring?

 After listening these most of the people answer that razor blade is thin but , it is not true. Want some proof ?
           The distance between earth and Saturn is 1.354 billion km. The ring of saturn is composed of comets, asteroids, undeveloped moons,small chunks of ice etc.

         The Saturn's ring are very thin compared to its size if you had a scale model of the planet that was 3 feet wide (90 cm ) . The ring would be 10,000 times thinner than a razor blade.

## FACT NO-4 ##


What happens when we travel with a light speed ?

  If human can travel with light speed it will be a biggest thing to human being. The speed of light is approximately 3 × 10^8 m/s. Let starts to travel in the universe with a speed of light .

       If we travel with a light speed towards moon it will take only 1.28 second to reach. If travel to our closest planet (Mars) it will take 4.36 minute , towards Saturn take 1.18 hours, to our galaxy center 30,000 years . If we travel to our nearest galaxy Andermeda it will take 2.5 million years. From these we can understand that our space is so so so wide. 

Here is image 

## FACT NO-3 ##


Did you know about orange space suit?

Orange space is also known as a Advanced crew escape,it is also known as Pumpkin suit. The astronauts wear this full pressure suit during to go out for space.
      Those who are heading for super high altitude there the pressure is so low that people can't survive without a special protective suit.

         The orange suit is equipped with different stuff that can help the astronauts to survive if something goes wrong during the launch or landing of a spaceship. It has a stock of Flares, survival gear,medications, radio and parachute and a bunch of candy.

## FACT NO-2 ##


There could be trillions of large diamonds on Uranus ?

The Uranus is a gas gaint which was accidentally discovered by William Herschel in 1781. Uranus is the 3 largest planet in our solar system. The distance between earth and Uranus is 2.941 billion km. Uranus is an extremely cold planet and it is called the "ICE GAINT".

    It is believed that the planet is made up of rock and has large rocky core, Because of the  tremendous planetary pressure. There could possibly be trillions of large diamonds in or on the surface of Uranus .

## FACT NO-1 ##


NASA project looking for human civilization on mars.

    If these project will successful in future it will be a great honour to a human beings. The workshop group of scientists had found that NASA man land mission on mars could be possible by 2030.

one of NASA future project is looking to send private citizens on a one way trip to the red planet ( Mars ) . Unexpected fact about these project is that over 100,00 people have applied for this program already. These shows that man is so interested for space exploration.

The time will come when man will know even what is going on or in other planet and perhaps be able to visit them.

                     ~Henry Ford